IC&Partners - Company Meeting 2023
Four Points by Sheraton Padova 21/07/2023
09:30 |
Registration |
10:00 |
Welcome greetings Roberto Corciulo - President IC&Partners |
10:10 |
Institutional Greeting IC&Partners Group Luca Savino - Vice President IC&Partners Group |
10:20 |
Institutional Greeting European Parliament Martina Dlabajová - European Parliament |
10:30 |
The world of the future Paolo Quercia - Director of MIMIT |
11:00 |
Markets with potential and new value chain GM of International offices IC&Partners |
12:00 |
Tools for Export Egidio Murru - Co-Founder & Head of Smbs Digital Transformation Webidoo |
13:00 |
Networking Lunch |
14:30 |
Challanges in energy and digital transition Alessandro Minon - President FINEST |
15:30 |
End of conference |
IC&Partners - IC Digital - IC&Partners Poland S.A. - Savino Partners a.s. - NEXUMStp S.p.a. - SACE - Finest SpA - SIMEST Spa - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia - Luiss Business School - Università Bocconi - ISPI - Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale - webidoo - ZPC Srl
#ICPartners #SupportingBusinessWorldwide
#International #Consulting #Accounting #Bookkeeping #Payroll #Law #Tax #Export #MadeInItaly #Italy #Poland #Europe #Supporto #Internazionalizzazione #Międzynarodowe #Doradztwo #Księgowość #Płace #Prawo #Podatki #Eksport #Włochy #Polska #Internacjonalizacja
IC&Partners Poland S.A.
Plac Powstańców Warszawy 2a
00-030 Warszawa
Tel: +48 22 828 39 49
Fax: +48 22 827 78 91