IC&Partners Poland S.A. - News 05-2023
Newsletter Maj 2023

Newsletter IC&PARTNERS POLAND – 2023-05

Minimum wage in 2024 
Starting January 1st, 2023, the minimum remuneration for work increased from PLN 3,010 to PLN 3,490. Another increase, this time to PLN 3,600, will take effect from July 2023. Due to high inflation, the minimum wage in 2024 will be above PLN 4.2 thousand Zloty. The Minister of Family and Social Policy announced that also in 2024 the indexation of the minimum benefits will be twice, from January 1st and from July 1st. We would like to remind you that the Act guarantees an annual increase in the amount of the minimum wage not lower than the increase in the total prices of consumer goods and services forecasted for a given year.

Electronic invoicing - to whom it does not apply? 
We would like to remind you that using the National e-invoice system until the end of June 2024 is voluntary. In accordance with the latest changes to the draft, which were introduced after the consultation conference in February 2023, the date of entry into force of the mandatory NFS has been postponed to July 1st, 2024. This term does not apply to all taxpayers. The use of KSeF is to be mandatory from:

• July 1st, 2024 - for active VAT taxpayers, 
• January 1st, 2025 - for taxpayers subjectively and objectively exempt from VAT (non-VAT).

Entities that do not have a registered office or permanent place of business in Poland, or have such a place, but it is not involved in the delivery, are not obliged to use structured invoices.
Entities registered in Poland only for VAT and without a fixed place of business, at this stage of work on the regulations, will not be subject to the obligation to use the National e-Invoice System.

It will not be possible to use the KseF system when issuing invoices to natural persons who do not conduct business activity. Consumer invoices (B2C) will have to be issued outside KSeF.

Electronic invoicing - additional requirements for e-invoice payments 
If the payment for the e-invoice is made under the split payment mechanism, the KSeF number of this e-invoice must be provided in the transfer message. In addition, it is planned to introduce a new functionality in KSeF - the possibility of assigning a collective identifier for at least two invoices issued to one recipient. If we make a collective payment under the MPP, it will be necessary to provide such a collective identifier for all paid invoices.

It is planned to introduce changes to the law of entrepreneurs and the requirement that when paying by bank transfer for e-invoices, the taxpayer is obliged to provide the KSeF number of a given invoice (or their collective identifier). This regulation is to apply from January 1st, 2025.

Implementation of regulations on whistleblowers 
Poland is already a year and a half late in implementing the EU Directive 2019/1937 on the protection of persons reporting breaches of EU law (deadline expired on December 17, 2021). The EC even imposed a penalty on Poland for each day of delay. Work on the act has recently accelerated and everything indicates that the new regulations may be adopted by the government at any moment and sent to the Sejm. This would mean that in the middle of the summer, all companies employing more than 50 people would have to implement the new regulations at a rapid pace. Pursuant to Art. 62 containing the transitional provisions of the latest version of the draft amendments, the Whistleblower Act is to enter into force two months after the date of publication, with the exception of e.g. article 23, art. 24 sec. 1-5, art. 25, which enter into force on the day following the date of publication. The problem is that these provisions impose new obligations on entities employing at least 50 people related to the implementation of an internal procedure for reporting violations of the law and taking follow-up actions after reporting irregularities by a whistleblower.

Fortunately, it is only after the two-month vacatio legis that the provision providing for a fine for failure to implement the internal reporting procedure will come into force. Even if employers fail to implement this procedure within one day of the announcement, they will not be penalized for it, as long as they meet within two months.

Free highways 
A few days ago, the Sejm passed an act abolishing toll for motorway sections managed by the state. The same regulation introduced a ban on overtaking trucks on highways. Tolls on state sections are to be abolished on July 1st, 2023. According to the government's announcement, tolls on concession sections will also be abolished soon.

IC&Partners Poland S.A. 
Plac Powstańców Warszawy 2a
00-030 Warszawa
Tel:     +48 22 828 39 49
Fax:    +48 22 827 78 91

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IC&Partners Poland S.A. - News 03-2023
Newsletter March 2023